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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

=that's the video=

segale ssh pyh td nk upload kt utube,akhirnya.berjaya juak..this is one of the video ok,,
**org bju biru yg gemok tuh berie,,,huhu,,~


=Mu VS Barcelona=

xsangke aku blh terlibat same gn xtiviti nih,pdhl x mint bola pon,ahaha..dh tido,blh plak bgn blik.dak2 ni pye psl la,dh trlibat same..pape pn tgk kt kdi mamak pn bes gk,riuh rendah beb,papepn lyn..the result is 2-0,and the winner is Barcelona..kpd pyokong2 MU (especially k.dyh n erni),bwk bersabar ye..!! kakakaka..Cube lg thn dpn,,kekekeke,,=]]

hayati gambar-gambar di bwh,,
video coming soon,,

scene 1

scene 2

mau balik bahh..


=video x boleh blah=

play to release ur mind,,

the boy in video is anas tahir,adik kpd faizal tahir laa..
sengal2 ayam ah,,ahak.layann,,=]


Monday, May 25, 2009


tajuk die bizi,bizi kew,,huhu,,.
sedikit bz la kot,,
see..npk dok,tgh bizi la nih,,hek3..=]]


Monday, May 11, 2009

kring kring..~

pergh,sdh lama tidak menghapdete blog ini,,bizi ye (konon-konon la)~~
today i wake up very2 early in the monink,mcm nk g kls jek,pdhl xde kls rini,sje je,study ye esok mid term,pening la aku nk menghapel ni kng,dh la byk.bru mule nk stdy plak tuh,last minit la katekn,xpe.ala stakat mid term tuh bpe % jek sgt,,huahuahua..=]]
